Deliver a Great Customer Experience to All Generations
A recent study revealed what today’s digitally savvy consumers expect from brands
Collecting data from 7,000 consumers across different generations, it offers some surprising facts about the divide (or lack of) between millennials and baby boomers – and what all generations look for from businesses.
No digital divide
of millenials rate themselves as “digital masters”
But an impressive 43% of those over 55 gave themselves the same rating
Common Frustrations, Big Impacts
  • Simple
  • Fast and human-like
  • Delivered through the modern channels your customers love
After a single bad experience, 96% of customers will take an action that hurts your profits. To meet these new customer demands, your experiences need to be:
Simplicity is Key
Millennials like having multiple touch points to connect with brands.
agreed they would... “rather have a few solutions for contacting a company, than lots which don’t work properly.”
Fast, Trustworthy Responses
  • Personalised experience: 6.4
  • A human experience: 7.1
  • Trustworthy: 9.1
  • Quick to respond: 9.1
Asked to rank the importance of different brand characteristics out of 10, all generations ranked:
Human touch
Older generations:
two-thirds would rather talk to a person when getting help from a company
nearly half would choose to speak to a person “regardless of developments in technology”
Virtual made reality
of millennials see VR as important for companies to offer in the future, 69% are willing to use it
Despite only 22% of over-55s being familiar with VR, 39% are willing to use it
Embracing chatbots
Millennials reported higher satisfaction with chatbots
But both generations appreciated the rapid responses bots provide
Read the full report to find out more, and take a checklist that can help you build your own action plan to transform CX.